Radio Telescope

Short Comptetetion

YUN Eun-Keong | 2023 | Documentary, Experimental | Color+B/W | DCP | 27min (KN, E)

12.2(토) 17:20-18:41 CGV Apgujeong ART1 E, KN, GV, 15
12.4(월) 14:20-15:41 CGV Apgujeong 2 E, KN, 15
12.5(화) 13:30-14:51 CGV Apgujeong 4 E, KN, GV, 15

“From the future that is yet to come, the first sound comes to find us.” The film changes voices, alters radio waves, and adjusts frequencies. We begin to see, what could not have been seen, and we begin to hear what could not have been heard.


Hatsune Miku, whose etymology is "From the future that is yet to come, the first sound comes to find us," is a virtual avatar created by Vocaloid, both a program and an online community. Through Vocaloid, it becomes possible that anyone can create and distribute music, and Hatsune Miku, having become an icon for democracy in creation, is often referred to and modified by the mass. His first album is called Hayabusa, which means peregrine falcon in Japanese. Hayabusa is also the name of the fighter jet that was operated by Kamikaze, Japanese combat unit during World War II; and the name of the first satellite launched in Japan. The film explores time within a voice and calls out the names that can no longer be understood singularly. It's time that is holographic, a history and a memory. It might be possible to encounter everything, that everything that’s been transformed into one has crossed.


2023 제24회 전주국제영화제
2023 제25회 서울국제여성영화제

YUN Eun-Keong

YUN Eun-Keong


Director YUN Eun-Keong
Producer KANG Dong-Hyeop
Screenwriter YUN Eun-Keong
Editor YUN Eun-Keong
Music KIM Guen-Chae