Magarette’s Feast


Viva Latin Cinema

Renato Falcão | Brazil, USA | 2002 | drama | 35mm | B&W | 80min


Pedro lives with his wife Margarette, children, a grandmother and countless other relatives in a remote house in the south of Brazil. He dreams of giving a large birthday party for Margarette, but he is only just about able to make ends meet and has also run up a tab at the bar. When Pedro is sacked from the car factory, his dream falls apart. But his redundancy payment comprises a suitcase and the bag of money. Despite all the financial excesses that Pedro overindulges in, the bottom of the suitcase never comes into sight. Nevertheless he is confronted with harsh reality. Violence, murder and corruption make Pedro’s new life a nightmare.

Renato Falcão

Renato Falcão

르나토 팔카오
지난 9년여간 미국에서 활동해온 감독에게 <마가렛의 잔치>는 첫번째 장편영화로 그는 감독으로서뿐만 아니라 원안, 촬영, 편집도 도맡았다.
미국으로 떠나기 전 그는 < Presságio >(93),  < Save Me >(94) 등의 단편으로 여러 차례 수상하기도 했다. 
미국에서는 라슬로 코박(ASC), 솔 네그린(ASC), 리챠드 쇼어(ASC) 등의 촬영감독들을 수학했으며 지금까지 20여편의 단편과 4편의 장편영화의 촬영을 맡았다.

Production Company Filmik-POA, Filmik-USA
Executive Producer Regina Datria
Screenplay Renato Falcão
Cinematography Renato Falcão
Editor Renato Falcão Production
Designer Rodrigo Lopez
Music Hique Gomez Principal
Cast Hique Gomez, Ilana Kaplan, Carmem Silva Jefferson Silveira, Isis Medeiros