Bread and Milk



Shin-yon Won | 2003 | Fiction | 35mm | Color | 28min


A railroad labor who just got the dismissal notice a few days goes to his last duty with bread and milk. In the railroad surrounding with mountains, he lies down waiting for the train to kill himself. At that time, a big rock falls on the railroad, he struggles between the rock and coming train.


My father was a laborer. He is now drinking facing his remaining days instead of bread and milk in his young days. He still goes to work to get bread and milk for his family. I found my father's character from the scene a laborer walking in the long railroad, he was carrying the heavy tool bag, it seemed to be a kind of hard life. Even though he is an only man, I think his life is our basic life.


제8회 부산국제영화제

Shin-yon Won

Shin-yon Won

2000 <>

2001 <세탁기>

2002 <자장가>

2003 <빵과 우유>

2005 <가발>

2006 <구타유발자들>

2007 <세븐 데이즈




Director Shin-yon Won
Producer Hoi-On Cho
Cinematographer Dong-Eun Kim
Cast Pong-Yeon Won