What does Man Live for?


Feature 7

Lee Kyeong Soon | 2003| Documentary | DV 6mm | Color | 118min


Through the 422 days' sitting struggle by the bereaved families, the Presidential Truth Commission on Suspicious Deaths was established temporarily. As civil investigators, friends of the deceased work together with government officials from military, police, and intelligence agencies. Their common goal is to find the truth, but the way they run to the goal is all different. High moral cause with lack of authority, and internal conflict & contradiction among the committee members who are not just prepared. (to do it!) The committee is the mirror of our age.


Reflecting upon the passed time, sometimes, we are confused whether it's people or the worlds outside that have changed. Things that we don't want to be changed have changed, and things that we want to be changed have stayed where they were. Observing people with a variety of looks that are confirmed at their very places, we would feel like asking a question once again, "What do people live for?". What does Man live for?

Lee Kyeong Soon

Lee Kyeong Soon


1999 <민들레-한많은 어버이의 삶> 
2001 <애국자게임> 



Director Lee Kyeong-Soon
Music Lee Ji-Eun CG Jung Jae-Hun