

Special invitation 2

Jeong-gook Lee | 1984 | Fiction | 16mm | B&W | 19min


A country-bred man lodging in Seoul is looking for a job. He is so-called a 'Baek-su', a man out of occupation but has one-sided love for the landlord's daughter. His love is never ruturned due to his timidness and he always fails to get a job. One day he encounters the girl by accident picking up a wallet a drunken man dropped in the park. He and she head for a cafe to open the wallet together.


A short film made from a trivial anecdote written in a journal. At that time I was interested in comedies, my intention was to make a conventionlgenre movie. On the basis of realim strategy instead of exaggeration, I tried to make a satire on the society. Later this short work was remade to the feature film directed by Woo-suk Kang with the title of " I stand up everyday"


1984 청소년영화제 우수상
1984 대한민국 단편영화제(現 부산아시아 단편영화제)대상
1984 국제카톨릭영화인협회 영화대상
1988 베를린국제영화제 포름부문 초청
1988 이탈리아지오바니영화제 초청

Jeong-gook Lee

Jeong-gook Lee


Director Jeong-gook Lee
Screenplay Jeong-gook Lee
Camera Jeong-gook Lee
Sound Cheong Mak
Music Seong-woo Cho
Editor Jeong-gook Lee
Cast Joo-sung Kim, Yong-suk Kang, Young-gun Cha, Mi-a Cho, Jung-jin Kim, Nae-won Lee