Me and Doll-playing


Short 3

Kyong-mook Kim | 2004| Documentary | DV | Color | 19min


I like to play with a doll when I was young. I did make up at my mom's dressing table. It was like playing at playground to other kids and I did wear a skirt and shoes and went outside to play. However, everything had been changed since I went to school there was certain rules at school. I didn't know where I should be located between soccer and playing with doll or pants and skirt which were divided by the certain rules. I was confused about my identity since I've met a married guy who had two kids and a girl at some dance club. I had gone to hospital to ask who I was but I got only an answer that I never understood. Now I ask myself to confront with a camera.


Children grow playing with something. In my childhood, I didn't like boyish style playing at all. Before one's socialization, playing in his/her childhood is quite important thing to establish his/her identity and in indirect way, the child experiences so called 'grown-up's culture' by playing. Being teenager, I got realized my own sexual identity but nevertheless, there was something more than mere desire of the homosexuality. Gay sexuality confused my own subjectivity and I wondered how I confront with this society. It was always very annoying thing for me to live in a heterosexual oriented society because of my playing and my identity of sexual minority. With this film, I tried to reflex our dual gender system and heterosexuality oriented society through playing in my childhood and the people whom I've met in my teen period.

Kyong-mook Kim

Kyong-mook Kim

2004 <나와 인형놀이>


Director Kyong-mook Kim
Producer AngryInch
Executive Producer Huh Rynn
Art Director Kyung-hee Kim
Staff Yu-ri Kim