Short showcase

LEE Hyun-kyung | 2023 | Fiction | Color | DCP | 29min (E)

12.3(일) 13:10-14:54 CGV Apgujeong 2 E, GV, 12
12.5(화) 17:30-19:14 CGV Apgujeong ART1 E, GV, 12

Sara, who grew up with no parents, does not know the meaning of his name. One day he receives a phone call from the police and goes to the place where his father died alone. He finds a photograph of his mother amongst his deceased father’s belongings and decides to find his mother. Following the traces of his father, he learns about the kind life his father had and the things that he never knew about his father. At the end of this journey, Sara finally comes to discover the meaning of his name.


Let’s not try to fill in those empty holes in our lives, and live as we are. Let us love ourselves. Let us simply live our lives!

LEE Hyun-kyung

LEE Hyun-kyung

2020 Ray
2021 Aurora


Director LEE Hyun-kyung
Producer CHOI Yeon-ji
Screenwriter LEE Hyun-kyung
Cinematographer KIM Min-je
Editor LEE Hyun-kyung
Lighting KIM Min-je
Music KIM Dong-Myeong
Art Director PARK Woo-joo
Cast PARK Sung-jun, KIM Ui-tae, LEE Bong-ha, LEE Sang-hee, SEO Tae-bum, JANG Duk-ju, LEE Hye-rim, JANG Hae-hwan, JANG Hae-sol, LEE Won-ha