The Pregnant Tree and the Goblin
Feature 2
KIM Dongryung,PARK Kyoungtae | 2019 | Fiction | Color | DCP | 115min 45sec (KE,E)
In a shanty village located next to the US military base in Uijungbu City, lives a former US military camp town sex worker, Park Insun. Having lived in the village for more than 40 years, Insun feels uneasy after hearing the news report on demolition plans of the military base. One winter night, Insun encounters the death of her colleague and ends up attending her funeral. She is soon discovered by the Death Messengers who have come to look for wandering ghosts. While the Death Messengers come up with stories to take the ghosts to afterlife, Insun starts to unfold her own 'true' story to fight back against her own extinction.
This is a fiction on a former US military camp town sex worker, Park Insun, who writes her own biography, of stories that don't exist anymore. The film tells her story of revenge, resisting against extinction.
2019 제24회 부산국제영화제

KIM Dongryung
2004 < Lost and Found >
2006 < Alice in Wonderland >
2009 < American Alley >
2013 < Tour of Duty >

PARK Kyoungtae
2003 < Me and the Owl >
2005 < There Is >
2008 < Old Soldiers Never Die, but >
2013 < Tour of Duty >
Director KIM Dongryung, PARK Kyoungtae
Producer KIM Il-kwon
Screenwriter KIM Dongryung, PARK Kyoungtae
Cinematographer KIM Dongryung, PARK Kyoungtae
Editor KIM Dongryung, PARK Kyoungtae
Music Twomyoung
Sound RYU Hyungseok, AHN Hyunjun
Cast PARK Insun