A Winter Glove
Short Comptetetion
LEE Hyeonju | 2021 | Fiction | Color | DCP | 28min 50sec (E)
In-kyung, a piano teacher at a private academy, is informed by her longtime boyfriend Sang-hyun that he will be taking a job in Japan. She decides to start taking Japanese classes without his knowledge; when asked why she’s learning Japanese, In-kyung finds herself unable to answer. In the class, she meets Young-kyun, a young man who wants to learn piano.
Three months is a very short time to learn a language or a musical instrument. So how can we possibly come to understand a person in such a short amount of time? I made this film while thinking about the spaces between people and the sad feeling of neither understanding the other, nor being understood.

LEE Hyeonju
2014 Class
2017 The Girl Running
Director LEE Hyeonju
Producer KIM Taeyoung
Screenwriters LEE Hyeonju, KIM Taeyoung
Cinematographer JEON Shi-hyoung
Editors LEE Hyeonju, KIM Taeyoung
Art Director YOON Misun
Assistant Director KIM Kiyong
Cast KIM Jungmin, YANG Jongwook, KIM Haram