Report on the Strife for the Disabled’s Mobility Right – Let’s Take a Bus!


Short 5

Jon-phil Park | 2002 | Documentary | DV 6mm | Color | 58min


For the right of movig conveniently and safely. "The Collective for Disabled's mobility Right" has been fought over for more than one year. Their activity began after a disabled person fell and died in the subway station. But the government kept trying to avoid their responsibility and put the blame on others. In may of 2002, another disabled person fell and died on the tracks in the subway and the collective gathered quickly and occupied the building of "National Human Rights Commission"


인간으로서 살아가는데 가장 기본적인 요구임에도 불구하고 왜 버스를 점거하고 광화문 사거리 한가운데서 사다리와 쇠사슬에 온몸을 묶고 투쟁할 수밖에 없었는지에 대한, 그리고 국가인권위원회에서 목숨을 건 단식투쟁까지, [장애인이동권연대]의 투쟁보고서이다.


Jon-phil Park