Short showcase
윤재호 | 2022 | Fiction | Color | DCP | 26min
12.2(토) | 17:40-19:14 | CGV Apgujeong ART2 | E, GV, G |
12.6(수) | 11:10-12:44 | CGV Apgujeong 2 | E, GV, G |
Amy who was adopted to an American family as a child, visits a Jjigae restaurant in Seoul. She introduces herself as a chef from US to Eun-sun, the owner of the restaurant who had been looking for a helping hand after her mother passed away. Amy asks Eun-sun how to make Jjigae. Little by little, Amy cannot hide her feelings about Eun-sun’s mother. Eun-sun gradually begins to have doubts about Amy.
An adopted woman who has just arrived in South Korea to find her mother. A woman who has just lost her mother. Jjigae is a story about these two women. I want to take a glimpse of the aspects of our lives which we encounter unintentionally, through the two women’s encounter.
2018 뷰티풀 데이즈
2021 파이터
2021 송해 1927
Director Jero YUN
Producer Beansroad Pictures
Screenwriter CHOI Seok-hwan
Cinematographer Jero YUN
Editor Jero YUN
Music KIM In-young
Recording LEE Kyu-ha
Mixing KIM Jin-hee
D.I KIM Hyoung-hee
Cast HAN Yeon-jae, JEONG Seon-yul, YANG Ik-june