Night Walk
Feature 4
SOHN Koo-yong | Documentary, Experimental | Color | DCP | 66min (N, E)
In my neighborhood, the mountain is snug and the stream murmurs, every night lulling the vibrance of day into serenity. One night, crouching on a cold rock in the midst of the dark blue brook I saw the sky in the water. The indigo gleam of the flowing moon dyed my senses and I became one with the sky and the water and the crisp air in between. Since then, taking a walk by the stream is like strolling in someone else's dream. The soft breeze from the mountain sways my hair gently, and I wait for my sleep to be broken.
An attempt to convey the lyricism of night and the inner landscape through contemplation among nightscapes.
2023 제52회 로테르담국제영화제
2023 제24회 전주국제영화제 다큐멘터리상
2023 제3회 Prismatic Ground
2023 제19회 워싱턴한국영화제
2023 제7회 블랙캔버스영화제
2023 제18회 야마가타국제다큐멘터리영화제
2023 제8회 울산울주세계산악영화제
2023 제38회 마르델플라타국제영화제
2023 제25회 부산독립영화제

SOHN Koo-yong
2017 A Walk
2018 Winter in Seoul
2020 Afternoon Landscape
Director SOHN Koo-yong
Producer SOHN Koo-yong
Cinematographer SOHN Koo-yong
Editor SOHN Koo-yong