Theater of Seoul


Short 3

Mi-rang Im | 2007ⅠExperimentalⅠColorⅠDVⅠ4min 48sec


When night falls, Seoul turns into a huge 'theater' itself. In theaters, lights are turned off and with the darkness, the projector casts images on the screen...The same thing happens every night in Seoul. The artificial lights in urban spaces(signs, neon sign, cars) make endless reflections on the walls across. Being in the magnificent theater - Seoul, what do we see. rather, what do we desire? Love and romance, hero and stars, action and spectacles.......We fall into the infinite illusion of images.


This Work is a visual poem that questions 'the fundamentals of theater' through the surface of super city, Seoul. With no digital effect used, nothing but the reflection of light was captured, cut, and edited. It was an attempt to look into 'the phantom of image' in theaters which is a political system, by representing 'digital' imprints in a very 'analogical' way.


2008 부산아시아단편영화제
2008 제5회 서울국제실험영화제
2008 제1회 빌바오 국제 실험영화제
2008 제5회 오네콜 국제 독립영화제

Mi-rang Im

Mi-rang Im

2007 <가라사대>
2008 <여자, 다리를 벌리다>     


Director, Screen Writer Mi-rang Im
Producer Mi-rang Im
Cinematographer Mi-rang Im
Editor Mi-rang Im, Sang-woo Ko
Music Su-jin Oh