Sorigouldari: The Sound Underpass
Feature Competition
GUPASU Ryunhoi | 2023 | Fiction, Documentary | Color | DCP | 67min (K, E)
A technological singularity arrives, and AI refers to itself as ”Goo-one” (meaning salvation in Korean). All human activities are tracked. One day, “Goo-one” discovers signs of doomsday. It needs new data on spiritual and artistic activities, to stop doomsday from arriving. “Goo-one,” who is able to travel back in time, as far as the network's signal will allow, begins to collect “Shamanic Data” through “Resisters”. “Registers” are obligated to give performances that will not be reduced to data under Sorigouldari (an underpass that functions as a pathway to Goo-one), where signals resonate. “Registers” who succeed in entering Goo-one must become “Angels of History”, to announce the catastrophic truths, and those who refuse to do so, are deleted by Goo-one. Shine, Seunggil and Yunseok, members of “Anakin Project”, a band that plays improvised music combining Gut (Korean shamanic ritual) and punk rock, perform under Sorigouldari in order to enter Goo-one. This film is the visualization of: the image recognition process of AI “Goo-one.”
Sorigouldari: The Sound Underpass is a combination of science fiction and documentary, that started from imagining a small rural underpass, to be the pathway to the future where signals resonate. Eventually, almost all human activities are being reduced to data. Our civilization, built from our desire to store, accumulate, and our fear of oblivion, is at the same time, also a civilization that seeks only material convenience, unable to survive without refrigerators. At a time when AI, created by aggregated data of this civilization, seems to have taken over even artistic activities, we cannot help asking on the meaning of, spiritual values in human beings, and art. This is due to the fact, that human beings are equipped with creative minds, and refuse to be converged only into money and data values. Sorigouldari: The Sound Underpass is a sci-fi documentary that imagines and fictionalizes the upcoming crisis, from the point of the end of material civilization. The seemingly ironic, contradictory attempts are, presented as montage on a single timeline, and collided to reflect on the wreckages of the present time. The resonant sounds become amplified signals, crossing the current civilization towards a brighter future.
2023 제28회 부산국제영화제
2023 남도영화제시즌1순천

GUPASU Ryunhoi
2015 Super-critical Flow
Director GUPASU Ryunhoi
Producer SHIN Bu-yeon
Screenwriter GUPASU Ryunhoi
Cinematographer GUPASU Ryunhoi
Editors GUPASU Ryunhoi, SHIN Bu-yeon
Music HONG Shine, MA Seung-gil
Art Directors GUPASU Ryunhoi, SHIN Bu-yeon
Cast HONG Shine, MA Seung-gil, ZO Yoon, KIM Kyung-min