One the day…


Short 5

JO Su jin | 2003 | Animation | Beta | Color | 5min 36sec


The fertilization occurs when an ovum and a sperm meets. The cell divides and then implants on the uterine wall. Some time later, the heartbeat begins and the embryo gradually takes a concrete shape


As I saw nursing mothers behave politely to anyone they meet, speak of only nice words, think of only good things, eat only fresh and wholesome food and see only the beautiful things, all for the good of fetus inside their bodies, I became amazed at a mysterious power possessed by a life form and began to wonder about my image and the way I felt as an unborn child.


2003 인디포럼 본선
2003 부산아시아 단편영화제 본선
2003 동아LG 국제만화페스티벌 본선
2003 SICAF 본선

JO Su jin

JO Su jin


Director Jo Su-Jin
Producer Jo Su-Jin
Music Bac Han Keyug-Eun, Mun Sung-Chul
Editor Huh Kyu-Suh