Drifting City


Competition Feature

KIM Jeong | 2015 | Documentary | Color | DCP | 64min


Staring from Guangzhou, China and Ansan,South Korea, the camera follows Roberto and his partner Nadeemy to meet an African Hip Hop singer and other Africans in China.


Following my previous works (from Koryu : Southern Women,South Korea to Viewfinder), I am interested in the ways minorities experience mobility, migration and media. When I met Roberto, a Mexican young academic who wrote on Africans in China, I invited him to Ansan, South Korea. I wanted to know what this seemingly alternative globalization meant. It took two years to edit this work and in the process I realize that the journey of Roberto and Nadeemy is an allegorical tale we all experience in this world. I want to revive the rhythm in the cinema we feel in the city we are moving in and out as strangers.


2015 20th Busan International Film Festival

KIM Jeong

KIM Jeong

Koryu: Southern women (2000, 75min)

I'll Be Seeing Her (2003, 52min)

New Woman: Her First Song (2005, 63min)

디지털 단편 옴니버스 <이공>(2004) 연출

장편 극영화 <>(2010) 연출

설치영상 <열린 도시의 이방인들연출

2014년 일민미술관 <토탈 리콜>전 전시

Kim Alexs Place (2014, 63min)

Heart of Snow, Heart of Blood (2014, 98min)


Director Jeong KIM
Producer Jeong KIM
Screenwriter Jeong KIM
Cinematography Jinseok KANG
Editor Jinseok KANG
Sound Yunjae Song