Sad Tropics


YOOK Sang-hyo | 1994 | Fiction | Color | DCP | 21min


A man living alone in an apartment finds out one morning that someone is stealing the morning newspaper delivered every day. He asks for the missing newspaper again, but the next morning the newspaper disappears again. He suddenly becomes suspicious of everyone in the world, so decides to catch the criminal. However, the criminal repeatedly steals newspapers by avoiding all kinds of traps. Finally, on the fifth day, there is a commotion to catch the person suspected of being the criminal.

YOOK Sang-hyo

YOOK Sang-hyo

1998 터틀넥 스웨터
2002 아이언팜
2004 달마야, 서울가자
2010 방가? 방가!
2012 강철대오: 구국의 철가방
2018 나의 특별한 형제
2021 휴가


감독 육상효
제작 이윤정, 수요전영회
각본 육상효
촬영 박상훈
스틸 최용빈
네가편집 박곡지
도와주신 분들 함성원, 김영, 신동일, 김재홍, 심재현, 김원진, 조길룡, 배동근
출연 김재록, 김봉수, 명계남, 박상준, 육상효