Promenade in the Rain



YIM Soon-rye | 1994 | Fiction | Color | DCP| 13min


An ordinary normal looking spinster, Jeong-ja is a ticket seller of a theater in a suburb. On a sizzling summer day, she is waiting for a blind date all day long. The man is supposed to come to see her at the theater because she cannot leave the theater.


I'm sure there are people out there living out lives like Julia Roberts movies, but for the most part the reality never lives up to the myth. I chose a lackluster, ordinary spinster who dreams to represent ourselves, and an underground theater as a metaphor for our reality. The actors are amateurs, the lighting is as realistic as I could make it, and I hope the audience appreciates the roughness of the film, as I'm not in this business to give Julia Roberts her close-up.


1994 제1회 서울단편영화제 대상 및 프레스 상
1995 프리부룩국제단편영화제
1995 홍콩국제영화제
1995 끌레르몽페랑단편영화제
1995 이태리몬테카니니영화제


YIM Soon-rye


Director Yim Soon-rye
Producer Yim Soon-rye
Screenwriter Yim Soon-rye
Editor Park Kok-ji
Sound Oh Se-jin
Music Moon Seung-gul
Assistant Director Park Kyung-hee
Cast 출연 명계남 서지현 서영욱