Blue Desert


Short 5

Ji-won Lee | 2011|Fiction|Color|HD|15min10sec


Sun-young has ajob interview on a scorching summer afternoon. But before soon, she is lost among the rows and rows of buildings and crisscross of streets that all look the same. She keeps on walking, but fails to find the place where she should be.


The older generation's always telling the young people that only if they worked harder and acquired more skills, it's easy to succeed. But in reality, it's a lot harder than one might presume. As absurd as it looks, the reality truly bites. Shoved into a small circle of competitive society, the younger generation of today is forced to fight and hurt each other. Sun-Young, the heroine of the film portraits the lost generation, wandering about the maze of gigantic industrial complex. I was hoping to reflect myself and my generaion through this film.


2011 제28회 부산국제단편영화제/픽션상
2011 제8회 플럭서스국제인터넷단편영화제
2011 제10회 미장셴단편영화제
2011 제5회 대단한단편영화제
2011 제9회 서울기독교영화제
2011 제21회 메시지투맨국제영화제

Ji-won Lee

Ji-won Lee

2005, < Sisters >

2008, < Sunshine is hurt >


Director : Ji-won Lee
Producer : Ji-hye Park
Screen writer : Ji-won Lee
Cinematographer : Pu-hui Yun
Editor : Min-seon Park
Sound : J Lee
Cast : Mi-seon Kim
Music : Hye-youn Seo