

Feature 6

MIN Hwan-ki | 2012 | Documentary| Color | HD | 90min


A group of young people who work for Korean major media company respectively quit their jobs to found an alternative fashion company, “Orgdot,” in the hope of creating a model company based on an ethical fashion against the existing fashion industry. Orgdot's goal is to establish a win-win platform for both producers and consumers and they, as a company, believe making profit in an ethical way can trigger to change the society. However, they realize the first thing to do is surviving in the vampire-like industry, which results in a fundamental emotional conflict among the members.


An inner landscape of those young entrepreneurs who want to impact on an established social structure but is influenced by the system.


2013 비전 뒤 릴 다큐멘터리영화제
2012 제17회 부산국제영화제 비프메세나상

MIN Hwan-ki

MIN Hwan-ki

Play It Again (2004, 75min)
Sogyumo Acacia Band’s Story (2009, 90min) 


Director : MIN Hwan-ki
Production : 1014 Pictures
Composition : MIN Hwan-ki
Cinematography : MIN Hwan-ki, LEE Yun-taik, YUN Pu-hui
Editor : PARK Mi-sunl
Recording : KIM In-bae
Music : LEE Sang-yun
Mixing : KIM Won, LEE Joo-seok
Cast : KIM Jin-hwa, KIM Bang-ho, YEON Seung-hoon