The Third Tongue


Short 5

Son Kwang ju | 2003 | Experimental | 16mm | B&W | 14min


Through exploring the process of practicing English, the film represents a fear of the unknown engendered by a sense of loss of historical identity in post-colonial society.


This film challenges the classical conception of history as chronological "progress". My method of exploring it is embedded in revealing the ambivalence and disparities between the present and the historical past. Rather than the total rejection of all these cultural characteristics, my attention to denotes political hopes and desires as unconsciously represented within the cultural object. Through this film practice recovering forgotten pasts along with the memory of alternative futures, I attempt to go back to zero.


2003 제 8회 부산국제영화제 와이드앵글 부문 선재펀드 수상

Son Kwang ju

Son Kwang ju

2000 <삶은 계란>
2002 <밤의 소리>

Director Son Kwang-Ju
Producer Son Kwang-Ju
Cinematographer Son Kwang-Ju, Jennifer Snowden
Editor Son Kwang-Ju
Sound Son Kwang-Ju
Production Staff Kwon Yong-Suk, Lim Sung-Youn, Jennifer Snowden
Voces by Kykie Baker, Lim Sung-Youn, Rebecca Reynolds, Paul Richter, Sung Hyunch, Daniele Wilmouth
삽입음악 국민교육헌장(이인제 작곡), 교향곡 3번 2악장(헨릭 고레츠키)
Cast Lim Sung-Youn