The Chamber


Short 5

Seock-hyun Yu | 2005 | Animation | DV | Color | 4min 50sec


With sound of knock, an old guy who looks like a salesman comes into an empty room. When he sees a miniature house in the room, he puts his hand into the house with curiosity. Then, he realizes that there is another path in it.


The Chamber' is a closed room and it shows that the room corresponds with outside and has a collinear connecting link. Through the phenomenon of the object expending into space and space returning to object, the man gains new experiences of the two dimensions.


2005 제29회 시나니마 국제애니메이션 페스티벌
2005 제6회 senef 서울영화제 한국영화 자화상 수상
2005 제3회 아시아나국제단편영화제 애니멘터리상
2005 제10회 테헤란 국제단편영화제
2005 제5회 광주국제영화제
2005 제2회 콘캔 영화제
2005 제6회 레스페스트디지털영화제
2005 제7회 부천국제학생애니메이션페스티벌
2005 제2회 서울국제실험영화제
2005 제5회 서울뉴미디어페스티벌

Seock-hyun Yu

Seock-hyun Yu



Director Seock-hyun Yu
Producer Seock-hyun Yu
Screen Writer Seock-hyun Yu
Editor Seock-hyun Yu
Art Director Seock-hyun Yu
Sound Seock-hyun Yu